2025 Game List Setup

                                                           FILTER                                                                                    SORT                      
Join Field Comparison Compare to   Field Order
Page Title: 


  1. To filter (or limit) the number of games displayed enter some filter criteria. To display the schedule for the entire season enter nothing.
    • Day in the Compare to filter are entered as Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, or Sat and are case insensitive.
    • Date in the Compare to filter are entered as MM/DD/YYYY where MM refers to the month, DD refers to the day, and YYYY refers to the year.
    • Time in the Compare to filter are entered as HH:MM where HH refers to the hour and MM refers to the minute. Hours are in 24 hour format.
    • Gender in the Compare to filter are entered as Boys or Girls and are case insensitive.
    • Lists in the Compare to filter for In list and Not in list are comma separated quoted values. For example "10","12","14".
  2. To sort the game list enter a sort field and an order direction.
    • Day sorts in alphabetic order (Fri, Mon, Sat, Sun, Thu, Tue, Wed.)
    • Day of Week sorts in chronological order (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat.)


  1. The most popular thing users attempt is to find their team's home and away games. But this is already predone for you by clicking on your team name in the standings. Should you want to do it here this is how. Assume your team name is 'MyClub MyTeam' and you are in the Girls 13 Division 2.
    • JoinFieldComparisionCompare to
       Home TeamStarts withMyClub MyTeam
      AndGenderEqual toGirls
      AndAgeEqual to13
      AndDivisionEqual to2
      OrVisiting TeamStarts withMyClub MyTeam
      AndGenderEqual toGirls
      AndAgeEqual to13
      AndDivisionEqual to2
  2. How to get a list of all the home games for my club. Assume your club is 'MyClub'.
    • JoinFieldComparisionCompare to
       Home TeamStarts withMyClub
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